In the mood for #2 ::

Sunny weather in duesseldorf, but so cold outside! So, we are in the mood to wear the warmest pieces of the collection...perfectly all of them at once! The pieces are all made from cozy wool with cotton inside for the sensitive skin. Scarves with leather, cardigans, capes, pullover in black and gray.

In the mood for #1 ::

One of the new jersey shirts just finished! We are so happy about the variety of styles and fit. Jersey in dark blue and light- colored silk in sweet harmony....very poetic! Customize your individual style with the small belt. 


Ups...its STREHLOW....

We have been invited to the " Modehandelskongress" in Duesseldorf.

...there I saw my beloved friends printed on a wall after the last fashion show! Marc, Andreas, Sekandar, Sebastian you are the best models ever!